Never settle for good enough - strive for great! Mindset Matters!
What does it mean to seek personal mastery? “In my humble opinion” – Wait, should we make or qualify our opinions as humble if we are learned and know better than to presuppose such filtered belittlement? The constructs of positive psychology, manifestations, affirmations, and visualization practice, all dictate that we see a mastery and that we pursue that mastery. Why do we accept normative educational standards, and why do we tolerate complacency as a comfort? Is it better to allow a scaled range from incompetent to sufficient as the practitioners or laymen that create and drive the systems of the collective? Because somehow society of the day has decided that we cannot speak candidly of those people that work toward sufficient standards as opposed to those that seek higher standards and personal accountability?
Who speaks then for the gifted, the strong, the creators of amazing things and the artists that provide environmental influences for building an extraordinary human capacity? When did it somehow become equitable for another because any other individual suppresses their own maximum competence or performance levels. It is only through personal participation and learned skills, that proficient practitioners develop, and this process is a continuum not a point (a) or point (b) scenario. Madzook opines that encouraging individuals to seek proficiency in their passion and those things that provide purpose and attainable levels of skill acquisition should be celebrated! If you recognize physical or abstract beauty – tell the person and acknowledge such splendor. If you recognize strength, say thank you to those that must wield it! If you find a proximity to intelligence or greatness of any form or practice, pay attention and learn from such experiences and exposures!
You get to make personal choices every day, and the fallacy of blame, and resentment, or claims of privilege is not going to determine your disposition. You will determine your disposition and any solution by your own actions, and your own participation in personal development. Arthur Shopenhauer was a philosopher. He said, “a man can do what he wants – but a man can not want what he wants as freely”. In other words, those that do, the ones that rise and achieve mastery or sufficiency by their own choice do so by that choice or the choices made along the way.
However, a person that wants to seek proficiency will battle the demons of envy, doubt, fear, and discouragement. People will always try to influence you to remain sufficient and tell you that ‘it is OK” – but those that find mastery, those that rise to become greatness of some form or another, they are the ones that pushed beyond the words and actions of those that discouraged the process. Sometimes this is family, other times it is what you might consider a close friend, a partner, a confidant. When, the person seemingly only reminds you what you can not attain, how little you have, what you are missing to accomplish your desires, and why you should just be happy where you are or with what you have. I mean after all, you could have it much worse, is that not the rationalized positions of the deception and disbelief others bestow upon you to justify their opinions of how you are not worthy or deserving for some reason.
Mr. Shopenhauer also said, “Talent hits a target that no one else can hit – but true genius, well, genius hits the target that no one else can see”. Do not settle on perceptions of talent when measured against lessor challenges. Rise to the mastery level in all that you are passionate about. Sufficiency is never acceptable when the learned knowledge is a required tool and the mastery rest in your motivations and desire to find personal proficiency. Make the choice to become genius and see the target that no one else can see. Hit the targets that you need too with improved skill acquisitions but be mindful and seek nothing less than mastery for the mandates of your own personal development with utmost proficiency! No one else must see your vision, the greatest master’s in history were generally not recognized until those visions were revealed to the doubtful ones that could not see the greatness developing right before their eyes.