Concentric or Eccentric?
The working definitions of concentric and eccentric are widely used in a plethora of fields. For our purposes today, we want to utilize the terms to explain how the physical and martial pillars of training are affected by the application of the solution, a concentric construct, or an eccentric construct. Concentric means when something shares a center but is expandable as long as the objects or patterns added to the shape or fulcrum point share the same center. Eccentric means using something in a manner that is different than the norm, or in a way, use or behavior that creates varied points of power from the movements or actions that are the cause of the resulting anomaly.
For fitness persons, or those that have experience in working out with weight training, concentric training is the traditional form of an exercise. By traditional form we mean to say that the contraction is the purpose that creates the power. The movement is utilized in the manner that produces an action rather than preventing an action. As an example, a concentric bench-press action requires the person to exert contractions that force the weighted resistance up from the chest. The motion of the force production is to push it away from the body. An eccentric action for a chest exercise that utilizes negative resistance, or eccentric training is when the person lying on the bench press station is using muscle power to resist the gravity of the weight bearing down onto their chest. The idea is to continue to resist the weighted gravitational pull so that the muscle stays contracted, and the power is created by the movement of the point of contraction.
Weight training by utilizing eccentric contractions are also exampled by the downward phase of the Push – up exercise, and concentric is performed when the person pushes away from the ground. In short, resisting the activity from overcoming you is the eccentric component, and using your strength or movement to overcome the resistance is the concentric phase. Both applications are quite useful and beyond the scope of this blog entry. Suffice it to say that weight training modality has a much-detailed specificity in the exercise choice and methodology that is used to build, or maintain muscle size, power, and endurance functionality. The difference being this; concentric uses a positive power force in a linear direction by a centered control point or center of emphasis. An eccentric exercise will utilize the negative action on the muscles movement by altering the center of power and holding a purpose to prevent an activity rather than produce an activity or energy.
When it comes to martial training, eccentric is simply using odd behavior to disrupt or confuse your opponent or attacker. A form of deceitful activity that shows the foe that you are outwardly different from what they might expect. A movement or action against the normal expectancy that produces an opportunity for escape or retreat as a designed tactic. The idea of utilizing non-conventional methodology to counter or disrupt any attempted aggression or action of violence that is meant to harm or endanger you by the activity of another.
The concentric application deals most recently with the discussions of situational awareness. The law enforcement, and military instructors teach what is called the concentric ring of disruption. The idea being that a circle is expanded to extend the levels of situational awareness and capacity for action as necessary. Eccentric is a form of defensive strategy design. Concentric is more of a method of knowing where and when the attack capacity, limits, or potentials reside. The individual utilizes a symbiotic center, or location of etiology and source of power. In the case of situational awareness training that center is YOU, the person that expands their spatial room awareness, the awareness of who is in the room, what dangers are possibly present, and where is the most likely point of attack, or defensive maneuver for you to employ. As is the case with physical training, the operational use and expanded capacity of both eccentric and concentric training is optimal. Specialized Human Optimization training at The American Standard Hotel in Phuket Thailand does offer both types of training for the mental skills enhancements that we provide regarding physical and martial trainings. I would suggest that you begin to investigate the importance of balanced training practices that incorporate concentric and eccentric activity for your own personal development, wherever you may locate the opportunity to do so based on your location, preferences, and individual capacity or perception of need.
Three important actions to become more aware and to extend your concentric ring capacity:
1.) Create and monitor your baseline – know your usual locations and the dwellers of such, their actions and their patterns or usual functions and temperament.
2.) Remove normalcy bias – all evil is not big and scary, and big and scary is not always the evil you need to worry about. Make sure that your bias is not the determining factor of your reaction – with that said, do not underestimate your sense of survival if you feel something is wrong, leave the area, or prepare for the situation to ensue. You can work out how you arrived at the conclusion later if you were wrong.
3.) Avoid focus lock – do not allow yourself to be so focused on one thing, or one possibility that you overlook the real priority issues. Do not be distracted but do not become locked on to one issue. Remain openly aware and train to become better at expanding your awareness capacity. This is a critical first step and a foundational step for all human optimizations constructs.
Joe Jekel