Types of Memory

Types of memory - improve your learning and neurological functionality with a professional performance psychology coach

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     I was recently speaking with a client of mine about learning styles and types of memory - a fighter, signed to a professional organization and a person, as with many of my clients that feels a bit of a slowdown in their own growth and personal development has led to a decreased performance capacity. I started thinking about memory and the human processes of varying types of memory. Today I decided to list out the types of memory and offer a summation into what the relevance for the varying types of memory provides to us from a functionality perspective.

     We all start with our sensory memory. The sensory memory is a quick responsive process that sends neural information to the CNS and the cognitive domain of the brain regions that are responsible for the motor response or determination of importance. This action takes place instantaneously (less than a second)

     We then divide memory into a continuum of Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory. The functional anatomical and neurological pathways and structures involved for that process is not the scope of this blog discussion, However, these pathways of memory are a major area of discussion for individuals seeking to optimize their own personal development with specificity to how they best learn and how they can best benefit from a tailored plan of action that improves their training. The purpose here is to identify and inform the reader of the types of memory with a summation of the purposes. Short-term memory generally is believed to be utilized for quick decision making and/or information processing that was determined to be worth a longer yet brief analysis than the instant use of a sensory memory. The short-term memory generally lasts a minute or two in duration. This is often referred to as the working memory – e.g. what did I write as my last sentence, where is my coffee cup and is my pen near my notepad or is it on the desk, are some examples of a working memory process.

     The long–term memory is for storage and retrieval as necessary, and the coding process has been embedded into these memories for a lifetime. Some memories hold heuristic associations, and others are less easy to recall. However, if the brain has determined that the memory is more useful than just a minute or two needed for a specific working function, then it is retrievable, and it is stored somewhere in that big beautiful mind of yours!

The following happens from that point forward – the determination that a memory is going to be embedded and regulated to a long-term memory designation.

Long-term memory divides into:

Explicit memory: Conscious memories

     Explicit memory breaks down into Declarative memory – The facts and events that we can recall and/or articulate. Declarative memory breaks down into:

     Episodic memory – Events or experiences that we learned about, witnessed in person or via some form of media, or personally participated in.

     Semantic memory – The facts, paradigms, worldviews, perspectives, emotions, concepts, or phenomena that we have learned, feel, opine or understand.

Implicit memory: Subconscious memories

     Implicit memory breaks down into Procedural memoryThe skills that we maintain and the optimization for tasks that we perform.

     These are the various types of human memory and the purposes for each. As always, we encourage you to take the time to explore the depths and breadth of specificity within all of the constructs or processes that we write about here when we share a small bit of introductory knowledge or opinion with you for your expansions of the information. Thank you for reading! For those of you that want to go deeper – study about memory recall methodology, or how to repress a memory or why persons sometimes lose their memory (types of amnesia).

MadzookJoe is available at The American Standard Hotel - Phuket Thailand, book a stay & train package NOW! Individual private session or weekly group seminars also available! Joe@TheAmericanStnadardHotel.com or Joe@Madzook.com

Self-Discovery, Personal Development, Performance Enhancement!

Joe Jekel

Who am I?

I am a Seeker, a Healer, part Warrior, part Sage. I am both a Student, and a Teacher. I am a Fighter that values peace and self – discipline.

I am an Intellect that understands, that it is the things that I do not know, that allow me to grow showing me that I have much more to learn.

I am a good spirit, a Warrior of light, a vessel of energy. I am incomplete and evolving through self - acceptance and self -actualization.

I am MadzookJoe!

I have experienced horrible pain and immeasurable pleasure. I have wielded deep darkness and I have discovered the absolution of powerful light.

I have experienced sexual repression, guilt and shame. I have also discovered the joys and freedoms offered through sexual openness.

I have trained hard and yet still tasted defeat. I have known the sweet savor of victory. I have hurt others, and I have been hurt.

I have failed, and I have known varying measurements of success. I have argued, negotiated, and agreed with many Worldly and Astral perceptions. I believe in the physical and the meta - physical.

I have searched for, and found the greatest depths within individuals. I have also known how shallow humanity can be.

I am a circle made of linear contrasts. I accept no label prescribed by another, but have been labeled many things.

I am born of storied experiences. I trust in the stability of balance while I seek the power of passion and spontaneity, the waves of an adventurous life.

I live life to the fullest and go fast or slow according to the barometer of the present moment. I endeavor to enlighten and to discover. I am a soul on a journey. I am just going to be ME!

Joe Jekel

Joe Jekel holds a holistic approach to his lifestyle and perspectives, drawing schema from many theories of psychology, Eastern and Western philosophy, biology, quantum physics, physics, physiology, and kinesiology.

Joe finds powerful contributions toward his spirituality contexts within the teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, Druidry, Wiccan, Animism, Confucianism, Humanism, Gnosticism, Mayan, American Indian, Greek Mythology, Celtic Polytheism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Christianity constructs.

Joe is a practitioner of multiple martial arts and fighting styles. Joe is avidly involved in physical fitness components of living a meaningful life.

Joe considers himself a warrior, philosopher/sage, jester, visionary, and a seeker/nomad as defined in the MADZOOK eight characters. Joe believes that individual responsibility and personal accountability are important keys in fulfilling one’s personal life long journey.

Joe is a husband, a father, a son, a student and a mentor. Joe has a strong belief in energy manifestations, and freedom of personal choice in all matters of sexuality expressions or determinations.

Joe postulates that a primary etiology construct for human development and performance enhancement derives from self - discovery and acceptance, in contrast to blind tolerance or allowing one to settle for something rather than choose it.

Joe believes life is a journey of perpetual discovery and education summed of experiential life and academic knowledge attainments.

Joe is very candid and does not work with any clients that are not absolutely candid with him. It is Joe’s philosophy, that performance enhancement and all development constructs of the self, do not manifest wholly when candor or communication of honest perspectives and contexts are absent.

Joe takes a position that confidence and an appreciation of beauty (yours and others) is vital to become accepting of your own ability and capabilities, without cynical judgments or envy and pride as disruptions of the process.


EdD – Performance Improvement Leadership (current student)

M.S. Sport Psychology – Graduated with distinction (3.93 GPA)

B.A. Psychology – Graduated Cum Laude (3.58 GPA)

A.C.E. – CPT (Personal Trainer)

Certified Boxing Instructor

Certified Holistic Life Coach

Certified Qi Gong Instructor

TEFL (ESL Teachers License)

(AASP) Association of Applied Sports Psychology Member

World Traveler


Concentric or Eccentric?